
Garfield Street Sidewalk Project Update

Garfield Street Sidewalk Project Update Read more

Thank you so much for your patience with the Garfield Street sidewalk project. We know many have expressed frustration that the work was unable to be completed prior to the start of the school year.



     As mentioned in my most recent article, THE CLASS OF ’44, the effects of World War II were deeply felt here at home.  By 1944, most of the women in East Rochester were employed.  Local industries were making products for the war.  For example, at the Piano Works, aircraft bodies and wings for the Canadian Air Force were being made, and steel landing mats, pontoons, and tank treads were being made at the Carshops, as well as coal tenders for the Russian railroad.

     Our village’s Child Care Committee saw a great need for a public child care center.  Committee members included:  Daniel Malone (Justice and longtime ER activist), Mayor George Schreib, E. D. Seward (Pittsford Town Supervisor), Theodore Morgan (outgoing School Superintendent), Lewis C. Obourn (Elementary School Principal/incoming School Superintendent), H. L. Brainerd (Trustee, ER Village Board), Rev. Earl Winters (Pastor, Parkside Methodist Church), and Mrs. William Greeley.  Rooms on the second floor of the Parkside Methodist Church’s addition were selected as the appropriate location.  Mrs. Mark B. Furman, a trustee of the Church, was chosen as Chairman of the Center.  The Church was the perfect spot since it was next to the school buildings on East Avenue and bordered Edmund Lyon Park.

     Funding for the Day Care Center was provided by the federal and state governments.  Parents contributed to the cost of feeding the children.  The Lanham Act of 1940 authorized funds for child care facilities for children whose mothers were working in defense and defense-related industries.  Funding was authorized through Title II of the National Defense Housing Act.  The purpose of the Law was to assist communities with water, sewer, housing, schools, and other local facilities’ needs related to the war and war industry.  In 1943, the U.S. Senate passed the first national child care program “to provide for public care of children whose mothers were employed for the duration of World War II.   The federal government offered grants for child care services to authorize community groups that could demonstrate a war-related need for the service.  The program was justified as a war expedient necessary to allow mothers to enter the labor force and increase war production.”  The centers helped families of all incomes, and so addressed the needs of both children and parents. The New York State War Council also realized the need for child care programs.  And in 1942, organized the Committee on Child Care, Development, and Protection.

     Articles in the spring and summer editions of the East Rochester Herald newspaper describe the planning and opening of East Rochester’s Child Care Center.   The village Center was the first in Monroe County, outside of the city of Rochester.  It opened on August 14, 1944.  Government funding paid for the cost of renovating the two large playrooms and providing equipment.  A sick bay and office area were also configured, with the church kitchen to be used for serving meals.  In selecting a director for the Center, Mrs.  Furman suggested Miriam Senzel, a young woman who lived in Rochester, and had graduated in 1942 from the University of Rochester with Mrs. Furman’s daughter, Justine.  Miriam, “Mimi,” had gone on to maste

Sink Hole

Sink Hole Read more

The Department of Publics along with the MCWA and Villager Constuction are working on a larger sink hole on Madison Street across from the Outdoor pool. Residents are asked to avoid the area and seek alternate travel plans as the road remains closed.



Dear East Rochester Resident:

As a follow-up to our previous letter, sidewalk construction has begun along Garfield Street.   Residents will be notified when driveway access will be restricted for 72 hours. This will be done by direct contact or by a letter delivered to your home.  Closure of your driveway will allow for the concrete to cure.  Yellow warning tape and cones will be positioned across your driveway and other key locations.   Please have all vehicles removed from the driveway and Garfield Street work area prior to the date listed above as construction will begin in the morning.  Work is scheduled to begin at 6:00 AM.   

If you need special provisions, please contact the number listed below to address any concerns.   Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we continue to make these community improvements.   

For questions or concerns please contact Jake Calabrese at MRB Group (585-381-9250). 


Thomas Fromberger

MRB Group



April 8th, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

The Town/Village of East Rochester will be hosting a gathering event for the community to view the Solar Eclipse. Everyone is welcome to participate with us on the upper soccer fields of the East Rochester School District Campus.

The Rochester/Monroe County area is anticipating between 300 to 500 thousand people coming into our region.  The thruway roads will be closed and all of the hotels are booked!  So, with all that being said, plan to attend the event of the year that East Rochester will be hosting.

We have several vendors who will be selling food to the community including: Kona Ice, GG’s Pizza and St. Nicholas Society(Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Italian Sausage and beverages).

If your looking for glasses a limited supply(2 per family) will be available in the Library on a first come first served basis for East Rochester residents starting March 25th. Additional glasses may be available at the event.

East Rochester Sidewalk Construction & Replacement Program

East Rochester Sidewalk Construction & Replacement Program Read more

On Tuesday February 27th, 2024 the Town/Village of East Rochester and MRB Group will 
be hosting an informal Public Information Meeting. The meeting is open to residents to stop 
in at any time between 5:30pm to 8:00pm to ask questions with regards to the scope of the 

The meeting will be held in the Jean Daniel Community Center located on the 1st floor 
of the Eyer Building (317 Main Street, East Rochester, NY 14445). 

Documents to download

Flu Shot Clinic

Flu Shot Clinic Read more

East Rochester Community Center Flu Clinic

East Rochester Community Center in conjunction with CDS RX is hosting a FREE Vaccine Clinic.

317 Main Street, LL011
East Rochester, New York 14445

Date: November 27th
Time: 12p-2p

This event is FREE to attend and requires pre-registration. Please complete the form below to register and select which vaccines that you would like to receive.

To register, please contact Tasha Parrone at 585-385-3643.

New Elevator to be installed in the Eyer Building

New Elevator to be installed in the Eyer Building Read more

A new elevator is being installed in the Eyer Building courtesy of grants from Assemblymember Jen Lunsford and Senator Samra Brouk. Beginning Monday October 2nd the north elevator will be out of service as a new full sized elevator is being installed to replace the LULA, limited-use, limited-application elevator currently in the building.

The south LULA, limited-use, limited-application elevator will still be in service.

Vacuum Excavation Project

Vacuum Excavation Project Read more

The week of August  21st  Villager Construction will begin doing Vacuum Excavation at 20 sites in East Rochester to inspect for lead water lines. The project has been delayed and as soon as a new date is confirmed we will update the site.

Comprehensive Plan Development Process

Comprehensive Plan Development Process Read more

The Town/Village of East Rochester is preparing to launch our Comprehensive Plan development process. The Comprehensive Plan is a 15 to 20-year roadmap, guiding decision making, resource allocation, and community development over that time horizon. The planning process will run approximately 12 months, and is guided by a steering committee of volunteers representing local businesses, the non-profit community, school district leadership, residents, and other key stakeholders.


Popular Links for East Rochester

East Rochester was originally called Despatch because of its proximity to the railroad. The word came from the name of the first major company to locate here...

Local History

The local history room collects data and materials pertaining to the history of East Rochester

Police Department

Police Directory, Police Blotter, Sex Offender Registry, Winter Parking, Prescription Drop-Off, Crossing Guards

Fire Department

The East Rochester Fire Department is comprised of 54 active Firefighters.

Stormwater Management

For more information on Stormwater Management or to volunteer to help with upcoming projects, please visit East Rochester Storm Water Management


Our Town/Village is THRIVING!

East Rochester is committed to growth and improving our community for the betterment of our residence. We actively seek out new businesses and opportunity to grow and support the existing businesses.

For more information, check out the East Rochester Chamber of Commerce.

ER Chamber of Commerce...

Population (2019)


New Businesses


Upcomming Events

East Rochester Headlines


Public Information Meeting

East Rochester Sidewalk Construction & Replacement Program

On Tuesday February 27th, 2024 the Town/Village of East Rochester and MRB Group will 
be hosting an informal Public Information Meeting. The meeting is open to residents to stop 
in at any time between 5:30pm to 8:00pm to ask questions with regards to the scope of the 

The meeting will be held in the Jean Daniel Community Center located on the 1st floor 
of the Eyer Building (317 Main Street, East Rochester, NY 14445). 

Garfield Street Replacement Project

Garfield Street Replacement Project

On Tuesday July 25th, 2023 the Town/Village of East Rochester held a Public Informational meeting in the Jean Daniel Community Center. The purpose of the meeting was to present the draft reconstruction plan for Garfield Street. This meeting was open to the public and all comments and feedback were welcome. There will no formal presentation, all information has been posted here on the web site.  


Submitted July 2023 by Anita M. Mance, Historian


On May 23, 1898, a group of businessmen from Despatch (as East Rochester was known until 1906) met at Branshaud’s Hall on East Commercial Street to set up the first fire department.  On May 29th, the first official meeting was held, and the Despatch Fire District was formed.  During subsequent meetings committees were formed to find estimates for needed equipment, as well as for property and a fire hall.  It was determined that $1800.00 was the amount needed to outfit this first department.  Equipment included:  one dozen rubber coats, boots, and helmets, a hose cart, an alarm bell, a ladder truck, and three chemical carts.  Needless to say, the first fire trucks were either pulled by horses or pulled by hand.

Select READ MORE for the full article on the East Rochester Volunteer Fire Department!


The East Rochester Fire Department Needs YOUR help


ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS: The East Rochester Fire Department needs you help!

The ER Fire Department is attempting to update over 200 business PRE-PLANS that are intended to be used in the event of an emergency. Information to be collected includes the Business Contact(s), a Site Plan, a reference to the locations of utilities and any exposure to risks.

You can help by completing an online form by clicking on ER Pre-Plan Form. Your response will benefit you in the event of a fire emergency and may save the lives of the firefighters responding to your business.


ER vs LYONS, MARCH 24, 1962


According to a number of area sportscasters, it wasn’t supposed to happen that way—the East Rochester Bombers beating the Lyons Lions, 58-57.   While both basketball teams entered the game undefeated, Lyons was known as a powerhouse.  By looking at the history of the two teams, however, perhaps March 24, 1962, was destined to be different.  And what made the outcome of the contest all the more special was that it happened before a crowd estimated to be more than 10,000.  

Provided by Monroe County

Covid Test-Kits Available

The Town/Village of East Rochester has additional Covid-19 test-kits for resident pickup. If you would like a test-kit please call (585) 586-3553 or stop by the Clerk's Office located on the 2nd floor of the Eyer Building. The office is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.

East Rochester Police Department is growing Beards for Bucks.

If you see an East Rochester Police officer with a beard this month, the officers are growing beards to raise critically needed funds for teen and young adult programs at 13thirty Cancer Connect as well as cutting-edge cancer research and compassionate, innovative patient-care programs at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center.  Contact the East Rochester Police Department for more information or follow the link below if you would like to donate to this cause.


Area News