In the late 1950s, Lucille Saunders, the East Rochester Village Historian, had visions of collecting and preserving local history information and artifacts. The Village was only 60 years old, with many early settlers still living in town. The year 1947 marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Village. Material had been researched and collected for the event and later it became the start of the Local History Department.
After two years of intense collecting of local memorabilia in the early 60s, a Local History Room was established in October, 1962 in the Fryatt Memorial Building at 901 Main Street. Retta Fryatt, widow of B.J.Fryatt who was one of the first businessmen in Despatch, had donated her: gracious home to the Village in 1954.
The Public Library was housed in the Fryatt Memorial Building from 1957 to 1979. Following those years, a Youth Center occupied that space. In the mid-1980s the Local History Room was moved from the second floor of the building to the first floor. Volunteers staffed the room. Their duties included clipping and preserving current and past information about East Rochester and East Rochesterians. Work is continuing at the latest location on the second floor of the Eyer Building.