The Veterans Day March and Ceremony will begin at 10:30 am at the Eyer Building located at 317 Main Street proceeding to the "Station of Heroes" in Edmund Lyon Park for the ceremony.
The week of August 21st Villager Construction will begin doing Vacuum Excavation at 20 sites in East Rochester to inspect for lead water lines. The project has been delayed and as soon as a new date is confirmed we will update the site.
The Town/Village of East Rochester is preparing to launch our Comprehensive Plan development process. The Comprehensive Plan is a 15 to 20-year roadmap, guiding decision making, resource...
We ask that anyone wishing to speak at our monthly Public Forum meetings call ahead. To register please leave your name, address, phone number and topic with the village clerks by calling 585-586-3553 by 4:00 PM the day of the meeting or by emailing the Village Administrator at mdambrose@eastrochester.org. All speakers will be allotted a maximum of 5 minutes.
Monthly Town/Village Business Meeting & Public Forum
Monthly Town/Village Business Meeting & Public Forum
Monthly Work Session
Monthly Town/Village Business Meeting & Public Forum
Monthly Town/Village Business Meeting & Public Forum
Monthly Town/Village Business Meeting & Public Forum
Monthly Town/Village Business Meeting & Public Forum