Residential Sales File
Over 250 valid residential property sales dated from 01/01/2015 through 12/31/2017 are listed on the following pages. Valid arm’s length real estate sales are sales that have been exposed to the open market and have not been affected by undue factors. Estate sales, foreclosures, short or bank sales, family sales or transfers with any other unusual factors affecting the sale price have not been included in this report per NYS Office of Real Property Tax Service guidelines.
Analysis of valid arm’s length sales is utilized in the review process to determine current assessed (market) value of all residential properties. Residential properties in the Town/Village of East Rochester are systematically reviewed annually and have been assessed on the average at 100% of current market value since 2000.
Property Class Codes
210 One Family Residence
220 Two Family Residence
230 Three Family Residence
Style Codes
O1 Ranch
02 Raised Ranch
03 Split Level
04 Cape Cod
05 Colonial
06 Contemporary
08 Old Style
13 Bungalow
15 Townhouse
Per NYS Real Property Tax Law, the valuation date for the 2018 Assessment Roll is July 1, 2017.
Sales are listed in alphabetical order by street. Sales utilized for the 2018 Assessment Roll include sales from 01/01/2015 through 6/30/2017. Additional sales are listed from 7/1/2017 through 12/31/2017 and may be utilized due to comparability in style, size, location, etc.
Sales File (pdf)
Sales File (xls)